Thursday, December 17, 2009

"Yes, We Sell Out --- Every Seat In The House"

Jason Newsted from Metallica said once when asked if the band was "Selling Out," that yes, they did in fact sell out... their tours sold out all across the country.
While Blacklist Studios is in no way in Metallica's league, we have also Sold Out... of Issue 1! As of today, if you want a copy of Robot 13: Colossus! Issue 1, you will need to check either your local comic shop or one of their online shops to get a copy. For an up-to-date listing of the shops that carry Robot 13, you can check our website here.
On a related note- Issue 2 is more than halfway to selling out itself, and may be gone before you know it...
Thank you to everyone who took a chance on Robot 13. Your support of our little book is appreciated beyond words.


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