Thursday, March 15, 2012

Navigating The Maze

The Robot 13 Kickstarter was fully funded on Tuesday & we ended up exceeding our goal by a little over $2000... I am extremely happy with the results & would absolutely do it again. Now, however, is the time when the real fun begins, because all the books and incentives have to be produced and shipped to the right people.

In about 15 days, Amazon will pay us (minus the fees to themselves and Kickstarter, which add up to about 10% total) and I will be cutting checks and getting the whole production machine rocking. We have product coming from 5 states, I have to coodinate signings with people in 3 others & then have to send out all the books, shirts, toys and buttons to people all over the US and a bunch of other countries... While I actually love this aspect of the comic business, it's tiring and a ton of hard work.

Today's image will be part of the trade via Mike Rooth-

Saturday, March 03, 2012

We Met Our Goal!!!

With 10 days to go, the Robot 13 Trade paperback Kickstarter has met it's $7500 goal and is still going strong! I really appreciate everyone that bid & all those who continue to join in the fun, because this Project has shown Daniel and I how many people really love the book & want it to succeed. I have been super happy about the response, and excited to be able to offer the fans of Robot 13 all the super cool swag that we were able to put together for this.

Most important, however, is the fact that so many of you took up the charge and have been passing the word around for us. Even in this age of blogs, Facebook and Twitter, simple word of mouth is still the best way to make an idea grow into a movement. When you tell someone you like Robot 13 and are backing the book, that means 10,000 times more than being named on every website and blog out there.

The personal, grass roots effort can never be underestimated or ignored, and it's something that Blacklist Studios has valued from day one. Daniel and I might never be the biggest selling or beat out the X-Men creative team in a popularity contest, but where we try our hardest to excell is in the interpersonal connection to the comic fan. We literally are just like you and while Robot 13 will never be produced by some community consensus, it will always be put to the ultimate test- "Will a Comic fan love this book?"

In the coming days, we will continue to give you glimpses of the progress of the toys as well as some of the Trade, so you can get excited for all the awesome stuff you will be getting with your pledge. Please keep up the amazing work & help us get Robot 13 into as many hands as possible. Point your friends to the Kickstarter at and tell them to look things over.

Friday, March 02, 2012

Sneak Peek: Robot 13 Mini Figure Sculpt!!!

Here is a first look at the Robot 13 sculpt for our 6 figure toy pack! Go to to get yours!