Monday, April 30, 2007

King(s) Happen...

I was rolling along today, when I saw that Infuze Magazine did a really nice review of KING!.

In it, they say: King! is Elvis by way of Hellboy with a little Army of Darkness Bruce Campbell added into the mix.

I don't know what we did (aside from stuffing their review copies with wads of mulah) to deserve all the kind words, but it's nice to see that we're still a hit...

Sunday, April 29, 2007

We're All Fans Here...

Doing Indie comics is a weird fraternity; If you are in it because you love doing comics and strive to do your part well, then you find yourself getting excited with other people's work. In the smaller world of DIY Indies, you are more likely to bump into some of those people who you really admire and who's work you love than just being a fan. It's not probable that I'll be hanging out with the Ghost Rider creative team anytime soon, for example, but I've been privliged to get to know dozens of creators who do stuff I love as much as GR...

One of these great people is (Psycho) Ann. Aside from being my sister, she's one of the most tallented artists I've come across. That's not to knock anyone or to revel in nepotism- it's just to say that Ann rocks me outa my socks with her art. Funny thing is, she likes what Daniel and I are doing too. Alot. So she did the piece you see here, just because she's cool like dat.

Check out her stuff here and see more of her new hottness on display.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Ever have one of those nights where every thought you have balls up into a knot in your head? And it's as if you say one thing, all this other stuff that you KNOW isn't going to go over will all spill out...

Having one of those nights.

I'm going to bed rather than vomiting up a ball of nonsense...

We'll talk soon.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Face in the Crowd

I have alot on my plate creatively right now; That's not a complaint- actually, for me, it's a good thing. I like having more than one project in motion at a time, because I love building details into my work, but quite often things come to me that aren't useful to the task at hand... Having more than one home for those interesting bits means that I don't spend hours obsessing over how this "cool" thought that popped into my head can be used in a story that doesn't need it. I can simply take those little "gems" and fit them into a better home.

That mode of writing, however, has made me think a bit about Voice. I'm finding that the key to dialogue is making each character have their own distinctives- whether it be a choice of words, a syntax or even a weird habit that comes out of left field. I have been working hard on this, and I find myself listening to other people more than ever, with an ear toward what makes their way of speaking dynamic and individual.

Hopefully, I'm getting it right.

Only time will tell...