Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Zen And The Art Of Robot Maintenance

There is a point in the midst of working on any creative project where a critical piece has to fall into place for everything to proceed. It's not the moment of inspiration, or the necessary spark of a genius leap forward... it's the point where you as a creative person finally discover what it is that you are really creating. While it's true that, in most cases, a person thinks they know what they are creating from the start, that really isn't true. in reality, there are so many aspects of the unconscious mind which feed your creativity that often we don't know what the true meaning of our creative outbursts are until they are beginning to take form...

Now that I have seen the first issue of Robot 13 in a completed form, I think I really understand what it is that Daniel and I are truly doing with the book.

Now, if you expect me to dish that right here, you are loony.

But now that I know what it Robot 13 REALLY is, I can assure you we are going to take the book places nobody is expecting, and the end of that ride is really going to be worth the E-Ticket...

Trust me on that one.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Coming Up For Air

I know I promised to give you the skinny on alot of things... Yes, I have been a bad, bad man lately about all this, and I am truely sorry.

Believe me when I tell you~ I have been up to my neck in busy-business and something had to give.

Today, however, I have managed to keep my head above water long enough to actually get to my computer and scratch out a bit of stuff here...

I really don't want to explode here and tell you everything, but I will say this for today:

I have seen the completed, colored, lettered and in all ways finished version of Robot 13 #1 and it is honestly better than I had even hoped. Within the next several days, we hope to have a printer selected and have the wheels rolling so we can get copies into your eager hands...

Believe me~ it will be worth the wait.

Monday, February 09, 2009

In Cog Neeto

The New York Comicon has come & gone, and it's back to the worky-work of creating comics again. As you probably know, the next issue of MMBH is approaching completion. Joey and I have the rest of this story arc plotted out, and will get to writing the mega action packed issue 3 very shortly. Jeff Slemons has been working on a cover for it that should make you go blind from sheer awesomeness. Seriously. Don't test me out on that unless you have a good vision plan, ok?

While at the Con, I spent some time talking to Erica Well, good friend and co-creator of Billy!, one of the proudest moments of my comics career to date. Among other things, we decided to create more Billy! strips with the intention of making a nice little comic for everyone to love and enjoy with a nice bag of chips...

I have a few other things to talk to you about, but we'll save them for another day.

Till then, admire my Labbit. Ain't he cute?

Sunday, February 08, 2009

The In Crowd

Paul and I signed copies of Mecha Manga Bible Heroes today in the Kids Zone at the New York Comic Con. It was a really amazing time- almost a hundred kids came up and got copies of the book, and from some of the reactions we recieved, it was a big hit...

Cool Swag!

THIS was the coolest thing I didn't buy this weekend at the con- it was a HUGE, super detailed Godzilla statue that I totally drooled over. I kept coming back to stare at it, not knowing how I could afford it, get it home or even lift the darn thing. To put it in a scale perspective, the U.S.S. Enterprise model next to it is 18" long...

Watching The Watchmen

Who watches the Watchmen? I am not sure. I can tell you that I watched an artist make this mural of the Watchmen out of chalk, and I was very impressed...

Pac Man Fever!

My favorite costume of Saturday.

Walking Tall

Walking all day at the Con was exhausting but fun...


Here was the que getting in to the New York Comic Con this morning... While I had a Pro pass & could have gotten in much more quickly, I was hanging with my brother all day & chose to wait it out with him...

Friday, February 06, 2009

Ready To Launch

The New York Comic Con starts tomorrow, and I am very happy to be able to attend again this year. Aside from a sigining on Sunday from 1 PM until 2, I don't have any table commitments, so this year will be more fun and less work than usual.

Can't Wait!